We represent people exposed to toxic chemicals and hazardous waste, whether in the home or in the workplace. With knowledge of industrial manufacturing processes and toxic chemical health effects...

Practice Areas
Permit Challenges
We handle challenges to environmental permits for industrial facilities, solid and hazardous waste facilities, pipelines, and land developments...
Property Rights
When governments or authorized corporations attempt to take private property for projects that destroy communities and the environment, such as roadways, pipelines, and industrial parks...
NEPA & EIS Reviews
Projects built or funded by the federal government, such as highway projects, or non-federal projects subject to federal permits, such as wetlands dredge and fill permits, require review...
Land Use & Zoning
Destructive developments require land use approval by county commissions, city councils, or other local bodies. We ensure effective and persuasive testimony and other evidence.
Citizen Suits
Federal environmental statutes grant affected citizens the right to sue violators of permits and regulations in federal court to compel compliance and penalize the violator.
Class Actions & Mass Torts
Cases involving large numbers of individuals harmed by environmental disasters or contamination that cause property and other types of damages can be filed as class or mass actions.
Property Contamination
Pipeline ruptures, leaking landfills and other types of pollution can permanently contaminate soils and drinking water supplies on surrounding properties.